The new school of democracy – with Marina Weisband

Aus organisatorischen Gründen findet die Veranstaltung nicht am 13.6. im Klaus-von-Bismarck-Saal, sondern am 14.6. in der Kulturkirche statt.

Democracy must be learnt and fought for on an ongoinig basis; simply wanting it is not enough. Born in Kiev in 1987, psychologist Marina Weisband ("Was uns durch die Krise trägt: Ein Generationengespräch” und “Frag uns doch! –Eine Jüdin und ein Jude erzählen aus ihrem Leben") is convinced that the promotion of democracy cannot start early enough and finds that our schools are inadequately equipped to perform this task. Instead of offering scope for initiative and encouraging independence, young people are allowed to fall into a state of learned helplessness – an ideal gateway for extremism and populism.
In her current book Die neue Schule der Demokratie. Wilder denken, wirksam handeln, Weisband argues that democracy must be the foundation for everything, in schools as well as in society.
Mod.: Louis Klamroth


Die neue Schule der Demokratie

Die neue Schule der Demokratie

Marina Weisband



Event data

  • Date:

    14. June 2024

  • Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 19 € | 15 € erm.

    Eve Evening fund price 25 € | 21 € erm.

  • Kulturkirche Köln

    Siebachstraße 85

    Google Maps

  • Accessibility

    • Sign language interpreting Available
    • Wheelchair-accessible Available
    • Assistance dogs welcome Available
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