At the bottom and the top – on money, power and injustice. With Marlene Engelhorn and Alexandra Zipperer

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Leider muss Marlene Engelhorn ihre Teilnahme an der heutigen Veranstaltung aus gesundheitlichen Gründen absagen. Die Veranstaltung findet weiterhin statt.

Alexandra Zipperer, who studied art history, fell off the career ladder due to personal circumstances, becoming one of the 14 million poor people in Germany who are dependent on help from churches, social organisations and food banks. She tried to preserve her dignity, to find a way out of shame and isolation, and recorded what she experienced: Tafeln wie Gott in Deutschland. Aufbruch in eine Parallelwelt. On money. Marlene Engelhorn, a German studies graduate, social justice activist and critic of inheritance and tax policy, reflects on money, power, wealth and injustice; she is devoting her own inheritance of € 25 million to promoting the common good. A randomly assembled citizens' council of 50 men and women is currently discussing what to do with the money. Two lives in a system that both want to overcome. An evening about social inequality and possible strategies for overcoming it. Mod.: Martin Stankowski


Geld. Über Macht, Vermögen und Ungerechtigkeit

Geld. Über Macht, Vermögen und Ungerechtigkeit

Marlene Engelhorn



Tafeln wie Gott in Deutschland

Tafeln wie Gott in Deutschland

Alexandra Zipperer
Edition Schaumberg



Event data

  • Date:

    12. June 2024

  • Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 19 € | 15 € erm.

    Eve Evening fund price 25 € | 21 € erm.

  • COMEDIA Theater
    Grüner Saal

    Vondelstraße 4-8
    50677 Köln

    Google Maps

  • Accessibility

    • Wheelchair-accessible Available
    • Assistance dogs welcome Available
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