Contributors Omri Boehm

About Omri Boehm

Omri Boehm, born in 1979, is associate professor of philosophy and Chair of the Philosophy Department at the New School for Social Research in New York. He is an Israeli and German citizen and has conducted research in Munich and Berlin, among other places. His book "Kant's Critique of Spinoza" was published by Oxford University Press in 2014. He writes about Israel, politics and philosophy in Haaretz, Die Zeit and The New York Times, among other publications. His critically acclaimed books "Israel – eine Utopie" and "Radikaler Universalismus" have been published by Propyläen.

Photo: Omri Boehm

Books with contribution of Omri Boehm

Der bestirnte Himmel über mir. Ein Gespräch über Kant.

Der bestirnte Himmel über mir. Ein Gespräch über Kant.

Omri Boehm, Daniel Kehlmann
Übersetzt von Michael Adrian


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