Contributors Lea Ypi

About Lea Ypi

Lea Ypi, born in 1979 in Tirana, Albania, studied philosophy and literature in Florence and Rome and has researched and taught in Paris, Oxford, Stanford and Frankfurt am Main, among other places. She is currently professor of political theory at the London School of Economics. She writes regularly on sociopolitical issues for the Guardian. After numerous scientific publications, she has presented her first autobiographical non-fiction book, entitled "Frei".

Photo: Lea Ypi

Books with contribution of Lea Ypi

Die Architektonik der Vernunft

Die Architektonik der Vernunft

Lea Ypi
Übersetzt von Antonia Grunert


Book Store

Frei. Erwachsenwerden am Ende der Geschichte

Frei. Erwachsenwerden am Ende der Geschichte

Lea Ypi
Übersetzt von Eva Bonné


Book Store

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