Contributors Julia Shaw

About Julia Shaw

Julia Shaw, born in Cologne in 1987 and raised in Canada, is a bestselling author, international speaker and doctor of legal psychology, and conducts her research at University College London. Her book "The Memory Illusion" became an international bestseller in 2016 and has been published in twenty countries. This was followed in 2018 by her SPIEGEL bestseller "Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side” and “Bi: The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality” in 2022. Her award-winning BBC podcast "Bad People" will be relaunched in 2024. She is also working on a new book project about international environmental crimes.

Photo: Julia Shaw

Books with contribution of Julia Shaw

Böse. Die Psychologie unserer Abgründe

Böse. Die Psychologie unserer Abgründe

Julia Shaw
Übersetzt von Ursula Pesch, Claudia Van Den Block


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