Contributors Ferdos Forudastan

About Ferdos Forudastan

Ferdos Forudastan was born in Freiburg in 1960 and grew up in Germany, Switzerland and Iran. She studied law in Freiburg and worked as a correspondent for the newspapers taz and Frankfurter Rundschau and as a writer and presenter, including for WDR and Deutschlandfunk. From 2012 until 2017, she was the head of the press and public relations department in the office of the German president and the spokeswoman of German president Joachim Gauck. From 2018 until 2020, she was in charge of the domestic politics section at the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. She then took over as managing director of the foundation CIVIS Medienstiftung in Cologne. Forudastan has won the Theodor Wolff Prize, the Siebenpfeiffer Prize and the media prize of the German Bar Association.

Photo: Ferdos Forudastan
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